The first time I saw this image, it didn’t look as interesting. I was wandering around when it showed up on my path. Nothing really, just a random picture or rather one of those paintings you see every day. The second time I came across it, I was back in the village. I went for a detox - the city can show you bad things. I never read it again because I was going to see my granny. I forgot about it until recently. I was with my little brother Nobel. People say in our family we have funny names, yes Nobel is one of them. He’s a little different from the rest of us. He grew up a modern life. There are games he didn’t play that we did. He’s mostly watching nickelodeon and playing games but his level of creativity and scepticism is somewhat above his age. He wants to know everything. He writes me sweet love letters, he writes his dad letters when he wants things and his words of mouth don’t play effective. He writes everyone in the family letters. He draws so fine, the othe...
Of Life and Style ❤️🤞 A story was told...