By Eugene Kabasa Where I come from, love is hidden in little priceless gestures. It's in how Mama gets mad when you are not home yet at it's half past seven because she misses you. She won't say it. She'd rather go rounds lamenting of how annoying it is that you don't see the worrying you put people through when you are home late. Love is in how they send that little girl Fiona to come get you because food is ready and they can't start without you. It doesn't look like love until you are old and busy and worried about traffic and recession and you grow homesick. Love is feeling the feet of your little nephews jump over the puddles of last night's downpour like steeplechase hurdles. It's morning and you haven't woken up yet. You can feel the sun through your window. Their feet remind you of the days you were young and fragile, schoolbag pulling you down in the morning dew as you rush to school. And of course you remember love, love is Mama runni...
Of Life and Style ❤️🤞 A story was told...