I promised to wake up and write. I haven’t written in a while, I’ve been dealing with a lot of things. Not to mention losing all my world cup games. Ending a chapter in life not knowing where the next road leads to. I woke up at six, in my pair of shorts and a round hat over my head. Nothing seemed to be coming from my sleeping postu re, I decided to let the cold sting my legs so at least I could think. I started turning my phone and laptop inside out - looking for a writing prompt. Sometimes the mojo goes away. It disappears to God knows where and you can’t think. And even if you think something tells you “that won’t be appealing” Two doorsteps away a padlock is receiving a beating of its life because its owner probably lost the key at the counter of a pub. He is not a bad guy because he beats the padlock while talking to it. He’s amazed how he chose himself a worthy padlock. At the window opposite someone angry from his sleep is peeping to see who on earth speaks to a padlock at 6 ...
Of Life and Style ❤️🤞 A story was told...