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Edge and Chrome


The party lasted a little too long. We forgot that we had duties to attend to the next day and partied till sunrise. We sang songs, dinned and blew candles. Others got drunk and slept on the floor, others on the seats and others on the toilet seat. Some who were thoughtful enough left early to prepare for their next day. We who were soaked in the good moment were not bothered about what the next day holds. We lived for the moment.

Good wishes for the 4th anniversary held more water for me than the drinks we had. Other people called it the 4th birthday. Whatever it was, it was amazing. We toasted our glasses under the diming lights.  It created a happy face and a warm heart in me. Many were present, known and unknown. Thru the dim lights, I saw one prolific writer Ndugu Abisai holding his glass high on air. He honoured the invite. A man with no face he is. You will rarely see him. However, if you read his rib cracking stories, you’ll start imagining what his face looks like.  At the furthest end was my co-author Major. Smiling at how the party he spared no effort for was nothing but a blast. It was an amazing 4th anniversary.

The party having ended late and having had a busy week, I will just tell you a little about my encounter with a jealous associate.

If you think Co-wives are jealous of each other then you’ve never tried using Microsoft edge to search Chrome. It throws in the air and falls down on the dust yelling. It behaves like you guys have been in a long romantic relationship and all over sudden you’re saying you don’t feel the same way anymore. It behaves awkwardly, who does that? It tells you (read in a pleading voice and a bad face), “Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Edge for a fast, secure, and modern web experience that can help save you time and money.” 

I have already trusted you Microsoft edge and used you as my fast, secure, and modern web experience browser to search chrome, where is the problem?  Assume it says, “but you’re leaving me for chrome.” At the top most its written in bold, “there is no need to download a new web browser.” Okay calm down basi, who said it’s the browser I’m looking for? Why hard feelings? Chrome is also a drink, isn’t it? Huhh, Hi guys. Anyway, maybe Chrome also behaves the same way when you use it to search Microsoft edge. No offence!

After this saga of Edge and Chrome, I came to learn that the fear of abandonment is the most common cause of jealousy. It ascends from being abandoned by someone you love or loved in the past. Think of it! Happy week


  1. Happy week.lakini weekendi iko karibu two more days to go.lets get to chrome Friday 😅😅.

  2. Edge here is behaving like the small wife 🤣🤣

  3. Alaaaaaaas happy thursday

  4. Even Edge and Chrome have stories to tell 😂

  5. 😂😂😂😂

  6. Aaah lmao
    What the he'll did I read 😂😂

  7. Aaaaah 😂😂😂


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