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Nasty Fiasco

So this week I'm off duty. Duty can be anything, it doesn't have to be something.  I want to go home and see my people. When I'm free in the house I do many things, I cook, scatter things and arrange them, I listen to old music or I just lie on the bed and think. My neighbour Belle loves jazz music, I find myself listening to jazz often in the recent weeks.  Sometimes I plod all the way to the rooftop just to bask, see cars and people. 

It feels nice when you watch people from their heads downwards. They look small and funny. You feel like you are on top of them in a way. You feel like dropping something on their heads. Something small though, hahh!

Today was not a jazz day, it didn't feel like a jazz day right from sunrise. It wasn't a day for the rooftop either. It was a day to lie on bed in silence and think. I thought of a story I read in the wanderlust diaries. It was one hell of a story, one that you read and laugh like a drain. Till your jaws hurt. I couldn't find it though, oops ! But there was this other one. 

There is a guy here called Jungle Man Ug. He has an experience with a tuk tuk. And on this very page... those tuk tuks at Archives, which part of the city do they go ? someone's life depends on this answer. Critically urgent! I rarely see people get into them, but I always see them coming. They are just there, ever there! 

So this guy says a tuk tuk stopped to pick him. I suppose he was going to work in the morning. It was a nice tuk tuk. Brand new and very comfortable, unlike the ones you know. He wanted to bargain the price but when he saw the beautiful lady in the next seat he chose otherwise. First things first. He started engaging the beautiful damsel as the tuk tuk sped up the highway. He asked her name and the likes, where she stayed and so on. Lucky he was, this was not an ordinary tuk tuk, not as noisy! Otherwise he would be shouting the whole ride. 

Two passengers alighted, he was still asking silly questions. The lady was very calm. Who answers silly questions in the morning ? He asked her which kind of man would leave such a beautiful lady to leave the house this early morning to go to work. And to make it worse in a tuktuk!

" I mean ata angekupea pesa ya cab, ama akudrop," he says jokingly.

She blinks her eyes smiling,

She says in Nairobi everyone hustle, he goes to work and she goes to work. They meet in the house after work. 

This guy my guy felt like he had a chance coz who answers silly questions this morning?  unless they like you.  So he takes his bid a notch higher. He asks for her contact. It's morning remember, like a few minutes past 7am in the morning. People are yet to finish dreaming, and you're already winning a heart. When the lord decides to bless a man!! The lady rebuffed. He offers her his contact but still she spurns, he clears his voice and tells her " we will still meet in this tuk tuk" 

She chuckles, 

When they reached kiambu the tuk tuk guy asked Jungle to excuse him a bit to drop the beautiful lady, he accepted grudgingly exchanging a few words. Like how do you tell a male passenger to excuse you to drop a female passenger whom he targets. You don't hurt your customers, do you ? The guy pulled a bag from the co driver's seat and gave it to the lady. He went on to give her ksh 10, 000 and instructed her to pay the suppliers as they had agreed. 

It's at this point that mortal man realised that shit had hit the fan so badly and was smeared allover the walls. The bright morning - out of the blue moon turned into a nasty fiasco. This was a husband and wife making some extra coins from their tuktuk by offering to carry some passengers. Well, at this moment in time Murife should just run!! Continuing with the journey to reach his destination was the toughest decision he has ever made as a man. Nevertheless, he settled to strangle the he-goat. 

They didn't talk a word till he reached his destination. He says, the driver's face was serious like a heart attack when he alighted. He paid him and realised that was not even the place he was headed to. Seeing him speed of to his actual destination was freaking. He had no strength to tell him that he confused his station. He walked away, going literally nowhere - wiping the trickles of sweat from his face. It was only a quarter to 8 am. 


  1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Alaa

  2. 😹labda aliona "mapema ndo best"

  3. One hell of a story this is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Aaaah this one killed me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. Chronicles ni tough...

  6. Your choice of these story titles πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜»

  7. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ became a regular passenger?

  8. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Alaaa

  9. Aaaah y'll should read this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Hunting gone Wrong!

  11. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ«‘


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