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Toast to the 4th


There were some Nigerians in the house. They asked lots of questions. They wanted to know everything to the detail. What does Ajira digital do, how fast can one start earning from freelancing ? Are Ajira trainings free? For Christ’s sake Oga, you’re in the lecture hall attending a free training already. Day one had not a lot of activities. Getting familiar with the new faces and eating snacks. I was strongly hoping we were not just about to be told to refer a friend to start earning 20k per week – and in two months’ time we were supposed to have a meeting in the United Arabs Emirates. Happenings that make you wonder if transition is gradual or a road to Damascus experience. I was seated at the back with a friend. There is something about being a backbencher other than ensuring the back is noisy. You see how everyone behaves.

We arrived at the hall for the second day of the training, once again to be enlightened on how freelancing can make you edge against your peers who are waiting to hit 30 to get big office jobs. I didn’t enjoy the session of day two. I had little faith in online stuff. Besides, it was filled with what I assumed to be false assurance, far from what reality serves. I felt lost the whole sitting. Everything was noise; I heard of fiverr, Upwork, video captioning, transcribing, Guru and lots of others but never grasped any other thing other than the names. I felt wasted enough for the day and left before the session ended. I promised myself that I would try to behave affably the next session; and even ask lots of questions like the Ogas do. Reminds me of the fight yester night between The Bronze Bomber and Helenius. I mean, the fight had hardly started when it ended and you’re like what a waste of everything!

The arena is packed to the fullest, the crowd is chanting, the ring is set and the lights are beautiful. They have been waiting hours long for this exclusive fight.  Someone cheers up the crowd; “he is now here a fighter for the people, ready to make another attempt to be a top of the heavy weight championship” the crowd explodes as the entry music plays.

The crowd goes silent for the referee to officially start the fight. The referee goes on, “ you men received my instructions in the dressing room, obey my command, protect yourself at all times, touch your gloves now men and God bless you both” the bell rings and the first round starts – only for Helenius to be knocked out in 2minutes 57seconds into the first round out of the possible 3 minutes. Well it was a tone of a right fist, but we still had 11 rounds to go - what the hell Helenius! The crowd came all the way to see you fight, they paid for it, I also paid for it indirectly. I stayed up late and bought bundles to watch at least 6 rounds. But, who is Helenius, he didn’t give a tinker’s cuss about our efforts. Anyway what did you expect, coming to face wilder looking like Tyson Fury! You all missed the point if you don’t give a rat’s arse about boxing.

Into day three, after taking a decent breakfast, we went back into the room. The experts were already settling waiting to shove the knowledge of freelancing down our heads and to shunt an innovation mind-set in us. They had a way of making you feel like all you need to prosper in this world is a laptop and internet - and maybe its charger, not even a seat to sit. There was a guy called Maina, he was good with words. He was decently dressed and spoke with poise. He said he has made all his fortunes through freelancing. He sleeps at it and wakes up at it.

On that third day I chose to make an attempt of pursuing my interest in writing or rather telling stories. It was also a freelance. I created accounts with Fiverr, Guru, Upwork and others. I had to overcome a dissuasion, one that was bred by my high school result slip, particularly in English. Hats off to all those who got an A in English, class of 2016. Anyone? Well, allow me have my hat back because there is no one.  I felt as if one would see my English here, compare it with the determinant, and say this is not the same person.  Ooops! It’s the same damn head.

Moreover, there is this guy who was my roommate in college, he used to write as well. He had a blog called TezoDigital. He used to write some amazing love stories, the kind of love that you only find in soap operas - but seeing how he was struggling with love himself gave me motivation. You don’t need to relent for the fear of not being good enough. If you have to, fake it and fake it passionately. Don’t be limited by any damn thing!

Maina mentioned something about blog spots, despite my guy having a blog I wasn’t interested in having one – nevertheless, I had an inimitable kind of motivation on this third day so as Maina was giving the steps, I followed promptly. Creating a blogsite was not in my bucket list  that day, I didn't even have a name in mind. The instructions given were so quick because there was a lot to be covered. I couldn’t think of a proper name for the blog so I just typed Pro... given my guy had a digital in his blog’s name, I also attached a ‘digital’ adjacent to Pro to hold the space for the time being – and it didn’t look as ugly as I thought, after all I was to change it when I got home. It’s until this month that a proper name crossed my head, so ever since it remained ProDigital and its set to remain the same.

In this manner ProDigital was birthed. This October we’re sealing the 4th year and we say a hefty THANK YOU to all the readers. Cheers to this milestone. We wish you prosperity and good health so you keep reading, just don’t go face Wilder looking like Fury!


  1. Happy 4th anniversary/birthday Prodigital. Keep writing.

    1. Thank you Ndugu Abisai. Your presence here was heavily felt.
      One day you can come tell us what's always wrong with you and other people's weddings ... ? πŸ˜‚

  2. A toast to the 4th πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚

  3. Happy 4th anniversary PRODIGITAL πŸ₯³

  4. Humbled ☺️✊πŸ½πŸ˜‡❤️❤️

  5. A happy 4th πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

  6. It's the same damn head man ..
    Happy 4th πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚

  7. Happy to see ndugu Abisai here.

    Cheers to the 4th! πŸ₯‚

    1. Ndugu Abisai needs a special seat here to tell us about the African stew πŸ˜‚

  8. A toast to Prodigital # fundi wuoche 😊πŸ₯‚ to the fourth


  10. That was a Big right fist!!
    Happy 4th πŸ₯‚


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