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Group of Chapatis

First, we all have to agree that very few things on earth come close to Chapattis in terms of 'slaps'. Like literally Chapos go beyond just food for the stomach. It is food for the soul as well, a pain reliever, it depresses anxiety, dissolves stress and numbs depression. 

Second, we must also accept that the quality of chapattis depends on the person making the Chapos and not the pan entirely. 

I came across these chapos at Pamella Oduor's Kitchen, the spice land and couldn't resist taking a couple of glances at them. Then my mother crossed my mind. Just as her last foot finished crossing, Mathayo came right behind her. My mom made me trust chapos. She made me believe that there's no other meal that edges close. Her chapos are not a collection of album tracks, just greatest hits only.

Mathayo is a Chapati mastermind based in Kahawa. He's the cult in this area but unlike Mackenzie, he feeds his followers chapos. Also unlike Mackenzie, tunachopigana nacho tunakijua na hakitaturamba. We only fight chapatis here. We eat those chapos like our lives depends on them. 

Mathayo has a way of doing it. Sometimes I tend to think it's the way he sings his gospel songs (calling on the holy spirit)  while rolling the chapattis coz why does the Chapatti guy a few legs away spend the whole day watching over his chapos and still packs them for the next day, whereas at Mathayo's place we make queues like those for super metro.

Now let's talk about these chapos by Spice land kitchen. Credit where it's due, these chapos look fine. Being an online kitchen I also don't know the taste but you bet this is not an ordinary chapati. The shape has it, the colour CHECK  and I bet the taste is almost obvious. 

We can call them 'group of chapatis,' coz why not ?


  1. Aaaah why not ? 😅😅

  2. Lakini there's just something about chapos ...

  3. Uzuri ata mbinguni kuna chapoz😎

  4. Mathayo irrisss🤣🤣🤣🤣


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